So I was fortunate enough to be able to attend the Italian Chefs Congress in Milan the last week of January. How very cool! 4 days of meeting chefs and eating. That was about all there was to it. I was also excited because January in Italy means no tourists and massive sales! However, my press duties committed me to interviews, dish shots, recording, tasting etc etc. So all in all, I had about an hour to myself the entire time I was there....
Milan - Duomo. The weather was about 60 degrees and gorgeous. I walked outside whenever I could. Love the lighting of this one.
A spot of Brunello di Montapulciano for me! This was on our tasting at Ristorante Cracco. This bottle was especially delicious, a smoky and tabacco delight. We finished this bottle. Which is bad because we had a lot of other parings to go....

mm gelato....the last shot before my battery died. A good parting shot in my opinion. I wasn't hungry at all but this place had my favorite - rice gelato! It's one of those things I mention a lot and people don't believe that it exists. But I found it, I did! And like all things that people don't believe in but you do, I was by myself and had no witnesses. sniff. But it tasted good...
pre-dessert. These were little truffles and knick knacks of chocolate. Before our semifreddo and citrus/vanilla creme dish. Because you know a little chocolate is not nearly sufficient...the one with the leaves was some strange grape. fruity deliciousness.
the crew at Ristorante amazing tasting. We ate in the kitchen, our dinner didn't end till 3:30 am....15 dishes, 15 (or 16? 17?) wines and liqueurs, little bites here and there. I really lost count.
Indian charcoal butter - the butter drips down and you have this amazing smoky flavor... I didn't get to try it unfortunately, I guess I'll just have to go to London and eat at his restaurant. Sigh.
Hazelnut soft chocolate, bitter lemon, coarse salt and caviar. Totally and completely bizzare. But it worked.
end of dinner. wine. food. this was around 2 am the last night in Italy (our second dinner, we were like Hobbits). - More. time to digest!
The caviar chocolate dish looks bizarre!!! What an amazing combination!!!
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