Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Industry Thingies

Congratulations to Hearth and their blowout 5th Anniversary Party last night. I was impressed with the turnout (and that it's a block from my apt, let's not lie) but these kind of parties make me want to pull another 2001 Inaugural Ball move (without the pre-party jello shots - ahh to be 21 again) where I embarassingly went around to everyone I ever had a class with and talked to/danced with/dined with (ok, tried to dance/dine, but they lost patience with me)...remember those years?? I actually had a really fun time that night....

I can't do that now of course, when I hit these industry events. I have one or two thoughts about my career/life at large that couple making out at the bar (who were they anyway last night?) and I wasn't just there for the meatballs (damn, they were good) but it's only after the fact that I read about who was at the party, who I should have met, who the "he/she looks familiar but I can't remember from where...." I mean we recognize the Wylie's and Tom Colicchio's, but but...that person there? Argh. What's a good way of doing this without the assistance of pre-event Jello shots? Or more importantly, an equally fun way? I wants to be um...klassy ya know.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Oh how I hate to get up in the morning.....

Poor Frank Bruni...he had to go to Daniel this past week and review it. whimper. and settled for another 4 star rating. how the poor thing must have suffered. See the review @NY Times
I suppose any of these guys need an official reminder of how they are doing (though is it really 'official' with how unpredictable Bruni has been these days?)

I've only been able to try Daniel's food at a few events I've attended (or crashed, who are we kidding), like the City Meals on Wheels I went to on Wednesday. But absolutely sublime....
Congrats DB!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Winter can be delicious

No I'm not talking about making those standard comfort foods, geez how predictable...roast chicken or mashed potatoes (my dinner last night) or mac and cheese (my dinner a few nights ago) or baked goods (banana bread I also made this week)...oh wait, I'm seeing a pattern here...

I'm talking about my friends to the north, who are getting completely pummeled with frozen temperatures and snow. Stop production! Take a snow day! Close the office!
These guys do none of that. Snow and sub zero temps mean delicious ice wine!! Not the standard ice wine you're used this is apple iced wine, a specialty to the Quebec region. The apples freeze and you press and voila! Apple Ice Wine!

It'll give you a hangover like you've never had, even if you aren't drunk off it! A lot of residual sugar, but the acidity in the fruit cuts it and it goes down super smooth. Makes a great dessert wine if you're feeling boring, makes a fantastic pairing with meat (foie gras anyone?) if you're feeling rich.